Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Final Results for First Week's Winner...

And the results are in!!! Last week's big winner is Chad Byron!

For those of you that are curious, Chad dropped a whoppin' 6.75". I know, you all hate him! If you're feeling bad about your measurements, don't worry...no one else even got close. We were all in the same range, except him, of course.

Announcement: Due to the week restraint on all challenges, your week's challenge information will be due every Tuesday at 8:00 pm. Please email your information to the challenge's host by that time so that your hard work will count!

Good luck to everyone this week and congratulations to all! EVERYONE dropped inches!


  1. Good job everyone! That is great that we all dropped inches. I was talking to Mandy today telling here that I was just lucky this week because I was out of school and had a lot of time to dedicate to losing eight this last week. This week school is back in and things are much more difficult! But I will enjoy the I-Tunes gift card....it will provide me with some new music for my workout playlist!

    P.S. what are all of your strategies in fitting in exercising and everything in such busy schedules? I am trying to set a certain time out each day but it is really hard...and I find myself staying up way too late to get other stuff done. Any ideas?

  2. Way to go everyone! Hey Chad what did you do - LIVE AT THE GYM?? Congrats! Mandy, I LOVED the cartoon!!!! If our teeth really do have anything to do with it, I should weigh less this week because I had a molar pulled! HAHA

  3. Ha Ha! If it really worked maybe you should try it more often!

  4. I was also going to ask about the gym. When does everyone fit it into their busy schedules?

  5. So Mandy this is what I have been doing. I have a break from 2:40 to 4:30 so I have been running over to the gym then...by the time I get there and get ready and have to think about getting back to class by 4:30 it only gives me about 45 minutes but it has been beneficial. I know you don't hae a break like that in the day but maybe you could go straight from work to the gym...and still get home at a decent hour? What time does Checho have class this semester?

  6. I think I have a plan...if I get to work 15 minutes early, then I can take an extra 15 minutes at lunch. The new PG Rec Center is pretty close, so I am going to try to go over there during lunch. If I take an hour and 15 minutes, I should be able to get almost an hour in. Wish me luck!
